(1) Every person detained in the civil prison in execution of a decree shall be so detained, –
(a) where the decree is for the payment of a sum of money exceeding fifty rupees, for a period of six months, and,
(b) in any other case for a period of six weeks:
Provided that he shall be released from such detention before the expiration of the said period of six months or six weeks, as the case may be,-
(i) on the amount mentioned in the warrant for his detention being paid to the officer in charge of the civil prison, or
(ii) on the decree against him being otherwise fully satisfied, or
(iii) on the request of the person on whose application he has been so detained, or
(iv) on the omission by the person, on whose application he has been so detained, to pay subsistence-allowance:
Provided , also, that he shall not be released from such detention under clause (ii) or clause (iii), without the order of the Court.
(2) A judgment-debtor released from detention under this section shall not merely by reason of his release be discharged from his debt but he shall not be liable to be re-arrested under the decree in execution of which he was detained in the civil prison.
Explanatory Video on Section- 58.Detention and release.-
Notes on Section – 58.Detention and release.-
Questions on Section – 58.Detention and release.-
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Section – 58.Detention and release.- Bare Act of The Code of Civil Procedure 1908 on JurisCrack with Case Laws and Video lecture
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